Secured by Cimetrics™
With the creation of the growing adoption of BACnet/SC (Secure Connect), the building automation systems industry is now promoting the adoption of IT-centric security standards to complement BACnet as a foundation to make securing the whole building a reality. Secured by Cimetrics is the manifestation of this mission, created by Cimetrics, the leading provider of BACnet stacks to more than 60% of automation vendors, and instigator of the broad collaboration to further the industry’s adoption of IT technologies and best practice.
SBC takes a holistic view of security, providing a secure and interoperable management layer on top of BACnet/SC. Devices that are SbC-managed enable them to be securely installed, authenticated, and authorized to be part of the network. Managed devices can also be securely configured using interoperable tools from the appropriate tool and application vendors. Ongoing device and system management are also enabled by the Secured by Cimetrics framework, including communication configuration; backup/restore; software updates; network/device event logging; and integration with IT and enterprise tools, services and applications. Secured by Cimetrics provides tools for building systems engineers as well as IT and security organizations to engineer, manage, and operate their automation systems’ cybersecurity defenses.