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Secured By Cimetrics

For over 30 years, Cimetrics has been providing networking technology solutions to the BAS industry, working with a majority of product vendors to develop and implement BACnet and networking products and projects.

Secured by Cimetrics™ (SbC) tackles today’s most demanding challenge of securing building control and automation systems from cyber intrusions and attacks.

Built for both BAS and IT professionals, SbC provides BAS engineers the tools for the design and implementation of secure systems while providing IT and CISO organizations the tools to monitor BAS networks for breaches and react to incidents using their own familiar tools, working in collaboration with BAS teams.

SbC solutions are rooted in a framework created by the BAS industry under Cimetrics’ leadership to manage the complex set of issues in order to secure BACnet systems from devices to the cloud.

At the heart of a Secured by Cimetrics framework is the SbC Appliance, the local orchestrator of SbC compliant devices, firewalls, gateways, IT integration, and the cloud.

Available as a stand-alone appliance in multiple configurations, as well as software installable on any compliant local virtual machine, the SbC Appliance performs key management of secure BACnet administration functions to onboard devices, manage security certificates, marshall updates, and integrate with IT tools.

A secure BAS network starts with the SbC Appliance.

Download White Paper on SbC Firewall/Router

In many buildings, it is necessary to include existing older BACnet MS/TP and BACnet/IP devices that are not inherently secured with BACnet/SC (Secure Connect). Firewalling these devices provide an upgrade path to make such devices secure and manageable by the SbC Appliance.

The SbC Firewall/Router is a BACnet router and application-level firewall. The SbC Firewall/Router operates by monitoring BACnet packets and applying policies managed directly on the Firewall/Router.

The SbC Firewall/Router is available in multiple configurations for MS/TP and IP data links, as well as software installable on a local virtual machine. The SbC Router/Firewall is managed directly using a browser or through the SbC Appliance. Management of the SbC Firewall is done by implementing BACnet specific policies.

Secure existing BACnet MS/TP and BACnet/IP devices with the SbC Firewall/Router

Download White Paper on SbC Firewall/Router

As the leading provider of BACnet stack to the building automation industry since 1996, Cimetrics is constantly updating its popular BACstac software stack with interoperable secure features as they are being defined by Secure by Cimentrics.

BACstac, along with the range of network tools and professional services that we provide to our OEM Partners enables partners to focus on their core strengths and features while leveraging our expertise in networking and cybersecurity to succeed in today’s complex product development environment.

Working with our OEM customers, Cimetrics can ensure that both short term and long term product development strategies are implemented with cybersecurity considerations throughout the system’s lifecycle as defined by the NIST Cybersecurity Framework.

Learn more about BACstac

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Download the SbC Manufacturers' Guide

Read the SbC Primer

A key construct of modern, interoperable, and secure BAS systems is that both BAR and IT professionals need to manage the systems collaboratively, especially when it comes to cybersecurity issues. While BAS engineers typically use tools from various BAS vendors, IT professionals already have their own array of tools to manage the IT and security environment.

SbC IT Integration provides a way for SbC systems to be integrated with existing IT and CISO tools such as Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR), and other enterprise information management tools.

Various integration technologies are supported by the SbC IT Integration to suite the specific needs

Read the SbC Primer